Theatre 3900

Tuesday 22 February 2011

"Our Town" Day One

Jennie's posting on Friday. This is to tide you over until then.


  1. Well since I didn't speak in class, I just wanted to say that this play reminds me of "The Giver" (one of th best books I've ever read) by Lois Lowry. It's like a utopia, everything is "perfect" or as near to it as can be, but you can almost sense that there's something wrong, like there's a secret or something. Something has to happen because nothing is ever perfect and just talking about it is driving me, so I'm going to go finish it right now.

  2. I really enjoy this play for the tiny quips of wisdom and honest questions it asks. One of my favorite moments happens at the very end of the play when Emily asks if anyone alive ever realizes they're living. I think it's such an interesting thought to ponder. I know this is jumping the gun because technically we were only required to read a little bit of it for today but I just wanted to bring this point up. :)

  3. I do not like this play so far. I had to read and re-read Act I because I am not a theatre person. The stage manager and blank stage is throwing me off!!
