Theatre 3900

Thursday 23 August 2012

Journal Blog #2

As I “reflect” back on my stay in Edinburgh, I’m happy I decided to take the opportunity. I’ve solidified friendships and relationships with other LSU students, some I never thought would happen. I’ve gotten to see various productions from other artists, amateur and professional. Along with that, it was wonderful to see the work and effort that was put into each piece. They may not have been perfect, and I may not have understood or liked each one, but I could appreciate the time and effort it took to produce it.

This being my senior year at LSU, my stay in Edinburgh has made me re-think what I want to do after graduation. I’m going back to Edinburgh next summer, no “if’s,” “and’s,” or “but’s” about it. And before Edinburgh, my plan was to do summer stock or try and join a theatre company somewhere, but that has changed. I still want to join a company (doing whatever job I can), but I’m going to travel the world next summer before I do so. One of my stops: Edinburgh. And, if I have the opportunity to travel around the world (or country) with the theatre company I join, then that will just be a plus. But first I want to travel on my own.

Lastly, I’ve learned the meaning of a “professional” and “professionalism.” Because we had so much freedom with this trip, compared to South Korea, there was plenty of opportunity to spend all night partying and sleeping late. But because I thought of this as practice for the theatre company I’m joining one day, I made sure to get plenty of sleep and eat correctly to perform my best for the show. I was also happy to have older individuals there to guide and be examples for me on how a professional is suppose to act and present his or herself.

I’m thankful for this trip, especially during my senior year, because it has inspired me to work harder as an artist and prepare myself for my acting career after graduation.  

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