Theatre 3900

Friday 3 August 2012

Opening Day!!

And it all has led up to this . . . months in the making, broken bodies for the taking, and a whole lotta sweat and its dripping; LSU presents to the Fringe and Edinburgh, DANTE.

I've really enjoyed the journey leading up to this day. I'm doing tricks that I probably would've never thought about doing and getting the opportunity to perform in another country, once again. This is truly a blessing. I'm learning from my fellow castmates and friends, and I'm building friendships that I never thought would be so close. But while I'm enjoying the present, I'm also thinking about the future. This experience/opportunity can be one that helps me determine what I'm doing after I graduate in the spring. If I make the right connections and meet the right people, I could be back here next summer. And, on top of that, I'm preparing for the next production I'm in this coming fall, and AUDITIONS!! BUT . . . this is what I want. I want to be able to travel while doing something that I love. I want to keep myself occupied with production after production, whether I'm acting in it or assisting with costumes OR, with my luck, doing both. As long as I'm doing this, THEATRE, that all that matters. The "9 to 5" jobs are just hobbies to help me meet other people and to keep me occupied until rehearsal starts in the evening. :) But this right here, this is my CAREER. So . . .  yeah. This is all the stuff that goes through a theatre student's mind who is on the brink of leaving that four (or five or Six or TEN) year security blanket and looking for another one to get under. So, it really doesn't feel like opening. I guess I have to wait until we're on stage and there are 1200 eyes (hopefully everybody has both) watching us. Happy Opening to the Wonderful Production of DANTE. We all deserve every shining moment and applause we receive. Take it in, marinate in it, and walk off with it because there are more to come. Love y'all and we're going to GREAT tonight!!

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